Mikä on Edtech Finland?

Olemme oppimisteknologia-alan yhdistys. Ajamme jäsenyritystemme etua ja edistämme koko toimialan kehitystä.

Tutustu jäsenyrityksiin virtuaalisessa esittelyhuoneessa


10 Monkeys

Fun and motivating math games designed for elementary school students and early learners.

3D Bear

Easy-to-use AR learning app and lesson plans provide you and your students with the opportunity to design and create in Augmented Reality.


Four Ferries offers solutions for hybrid learning in mathematics and STEM education. The communication between teachers and students is enhanced with digital math tools, and a unique math checker for middle school to university level mathematics.

Alfons Education

The Alfons Education learning management system is designed in cooperation with dozens of Finnish teachers and pedagogy professionals. The worlds best teaching and education has been evolved to an easy-to-use digital learning environment.

Annie advisor

We help improve students' well-being and prevent dropouts with a bot that finds students who need support early.


We are a research project developing a multilingual platform for students and teachers. We have many subjects connected to the curriculums. In the platform there are animated short lessons with subtitles and voices in different languages to ensure the learning and also to prepare for the new languages. As a multi modal tool we support the learning.


The learning platform to turn information into knowledge. Train your colleagues and customers in a scalable way with engagement. Claned data shows the kind of impact training has on your organization KPIs and how you can improve your courses.


Code School Finland revolutionizes how teachers teach digital skills. We provide teaching materials for cross-curricular K-12 technology projects and teacher upskilling online.


Desku on digitaalinen työpöytä, joka helpottaa oppilaiden ja koulun henkilökunnan arkea. Se on rooleja tukeva pilvipohjainen työkalu. Deskun avulla koulun toimintaan liittyvät palvelut, sovellukset ja keskeiset dokumentit jaetaan helposti loppukäyttäjille yhteen näkymään, roolien mukaan

Education Alliance Finland

Education Alliance Finland provides a product evaluation & certification service based on global quality standard for learning solutions.


Learning and innovation agency working with Ministries, National Agencies, Corporations, Teacher Training Schools, Universities, the European Commission, UNESCO, Cities, Municipalities and more.


Edulyzer collects and analyses data about school activities that can be used to develop learning, school satisfaction, well-being, and collective activities. The data that matters.


Engaging and fun exercises that improve learning results and decrease math anxiety.


When teachers connect, great things can happen. Freeed is a global discovery platform for teachers to connect, discuss and share resources and teaching tips.


An early childhood education and care content developer and brand. Cool collaborations, free for end-users, for example: www.thisworks.fi and www.suojellaanlapsia.fi/en/stop-slow-go. Showcasing this time the Fun Academy Parent Program:

Funzi logo


Quick and easy way for upper level students to learn practical skills to improve personal and professional life, right on the mobile.

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No.1 guide to careers and jobs in Africa Tired with job boards? Join millions of professionals and boost your growth with best career tools and job recommendations in Africa.

Grapho Game

GraphoGame is an academically researched learning app, game and methodology for teaching kindergarten and primary school children early literacy skills in many languages.

HEI Schools

HEI Schools provides cutting-edge educational solutions for kindergartens, preschools and teachers based on Finland's famous education system.


ILT Education is a market-leading supplier of educational tools with a focus on students with multilingual abilities, reading and writing difficulties, and emergent literacy for young children.

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Method Innoduel is a way to co-create, where people's participation is respected and valued. Instead of top-down, we tackle organizational development projects bottom-up giving the stage to the individual. Our Innoduel co-creation tool helps us to create value from the individual ideas for the organization's benefit.

Kide Science

The Kide platform gives teachers the resources and confidence to teach inquiry-based activities with story-based lesson plans to children ages 3-8. Chosen as the best learning solution from Finland.


Kindiedays Pedagogical Management Solution supports the whole learning process based on Finnish best practices and adapted to the local needs. Engages families with live journals and portfolios.


Kodarit is the largest private programming school in Finland. We are proud to have offered a challenge to children, teenagers and adults to dive in into the world of coding in a fun and visually comprehensive way since 2015.

Language Clubhouse

A solution for early childhood education to teach English as a second language in a playful and interactive way. Our digital learning resource equips educators with a high-quality pedagogical plan and teaching materials.

LessonApp logo


LessonApp is an innovative mobile tool for teachers to design, store and share their lessons and improve their pedagogical knowledge. LessonApp offers the Basic version of the tool free of charge. Language versions available!


Linguajoy offers immersive and engaging language courses for children aged 2-14 years, in a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Through our exciting, multi-sensory curriculum, children can genuinely explore and learn new languages.

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Loru Games

Are you tired of teaching the same list of questions over and over again? Would you like to see the progress of the students right away without stressful and time-consuming tests? Games for Chromebooks!


Mafy on sähköisen oppimisen edelläkävijä Sähköiset oppimateriaalit ja valmennuskurssit


The world’s most accessible online education — trusted by governments, business leaders, and close to one million working professionals. We help you prepare for the future of work.

Moomin Language School

Moomin Language School’s digital language learning service and research-based method help young children learn a foreign language in a fun and stress-free way.


MoovKids is a unique online movement curriculum focusing on the physical development of three to seven year old children as well as children and adults with special needs

Music Fairytales

Musical worlds that touch the soul We create a safe place for children around the world to practice their emotional skills through classical music and visual storytelling.


We at Opinsys have been digitizing and developing schools for almost 20 years in Finland, Germany and Switzerland. We provide Schools with equipment like laptops and servers, build wireless networks, service, remote maintenance and schooling – whatever is needed in the schools in order to support modern pedagogy.


Opopassi on innostava työkalu oman tulevaisuuden suunnitteluun. Keräämällä opopisteitä omaan Opopassiisi suoritat samalla lukion OP2-kurssin/ opintojakson. Opopassi koostuu kaikille yhteisistä osioista ja yksilöllisistä jatko-opintopoluista.


Polkuni is a Helsinki and Hong Kong based hands-on investment and activation company. We boost the most passionate entrepreneurs to succeed in the developing markets of Asia.

Promentor solutions

Promentor tarjoaa palveluita yrityksille, oppilaitoksille, kouluille ja päiväkodeille. Päätuotteemme ovat Promentor Web ja Moomin Language School, joiden avulla kuka tahansa voi opiskella kieliä itsenäisesti netissä milloin ja missä tahansa.


Qridi introduces learners and teachers to look at learning and progress as a group and as individuals. Learning is planned and monitored under the teacher’s guidance, future skills are strengthened and personal strengths identified. The learning journey is recorded and made visible with the help of different functionalities. The resulting data acts as an instrument for dialogue in learning.

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Reactored is an effective online teaching platform for languages. Teach and create excersises with AI on all devices. Reactored license provides ready-made materials for 10 languages and it's used in all educational levels from K-12 to adult- / workforce education.


Teaching Enjoy teaching with RealGame, a versatile and engaging business simulation game! Universities and university colleges apply RealGame to teaching key aspects of business administration, production management, logistics, enterprise information systems, business communication, management accounting, and more.


Turn your lesson plans into an interactive online game in minutes. With Seppo, you can implement pedagogy into an engaging online learning experience.


Every child deserves a voice. Our mission is to empower children with language or communication disorders and their caregivers by creating fun and intuitive assistive technology. We parents know that only because a child cannot speak it doesn't mean that they haven't got anything to say

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TCD Consulting and Research

Utilize data to achieve better decision-making and business operations in your company. With TCD solutions, you will gain access to real-time information needed to further develop your business.


Best teachers are made, not born! TeachersPRO is the evidence-based and community-driven platform to ensure lifelong teacher professional development, bringing Finnish teaching culture and pedagogy to the world.

Teach millions

How does it work? Teach Millions is a bazaar of Nordic edtech solutions. All solutions have been vetted and have the ability to expand internationally. The educational sector knows their problems - we provide solutions that help solve them. Ed always comes before Tech


TinyApp - worlds’ smartest pedagogical assistant for teachers. TinyApp assists you in planning and sharing learning materials with parents and children.


TypingMaster is a developer of keyboarding solutions that will take your students from beginner level all the way to touch typing mastery.


Make the Visual Impact on Your Business! Visual solutions provide engaging and fun experiences for users. Interactive, even gamified, content will help increase a better understanding of your organization’s processes, procedures and products.

Edtech on nopeasti kasvava ala

Oppimis- ja koulutusteknologia on uusi, mutta nopeasti kasvava liiketoiminta-alue maailmassa. Globaalin Edtech-markkinan koko on jo samaa luokkaa Suomen valtion budjetin kanssa. Lisäksi ala kasvaa yritysten liikevaihdolla mitattuna yli 20% vuodessa. 

Suurin osa n. 300 suomalaisesta alan yrityksestä on vielä pieniä, mutta kasvuhalukkuutemme on suurta. Yhdessä meillä on erinomainen mahdollisuus tehdä Suomesta edelläkävijämaa oppimis- ja koulutusteknologian alueella.


Edtech Finlandista toimialan keskeinen vaikuttaja

Edtech Finland -toimialayhdistyksen (Oppimisteknologia ry) perustivat parikymmentä alan vaikuttajaa toukokuussa 2019. Kaikki suomalaiset alan yritykset ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita mukaan jäseniksi!

Tavoitteena on kasvattaa Edtech Finlandista toimialan keskeinen vaikuttaja, joka voi yhdessä kumppaniensa kanssa tarjota jäsenyrityksille apua mm. liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä, koulutusviennissä ja arvovaltapalveluissa mahdollistaen toimialan kasvun ja näkyvyyden julkisten toimijoiden rinnalla.


Heini Karppinen, Tj / CEO


Kaisu Pallaskallio, Pj / Chair


Dr. Federico Malpica Basurto


Kari Savolainen

Jussi Simolin kuva

Jussi Simolin

Taina Mikkola

Miska Noponen

Rakennamme Edtech ekosysteemiä yhdessä kumppaniverkoston kanssa​


Heini Karppinen, CEO

heini (@) edtechfinland.com

+358 40 755 1803

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